Saturday, December 26, 2009

Volunteers for Orphans from Automobile Accidents

 クリスマスの日です。私は、 今年最後のボランティア活動を熊本市で行いました。
ボランティア仲間のサンタさん達、 待っててくれました。さぁ〜始めましょう。LOVE APPLEの出番です。

この奥さんは、 <募金要らないの?>と何度も聞き直し<要りませんよ>と何度も答えると、 自らリンゴ配布を手伝ってくださいました。
仲良しカップルのお二人さんは、 <いいんですか?嬉しいです>と記念撮影パチり。

P.S 今年、 私を応援してくださった方々に、深く感謝致します。
  KAYOKO'S LIFEは、来年も<愛と平和>を求めて旅を続けます。

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I will be in a big heart

Today was a call to fellow volunteers.

It is a voluntary thing for Christmas.

I felt like I was talking in a flower garden.

Human love touched all this time.

Tomorrow will gather to discuss the cafe.

I will be in a big heart.

            by kayoko

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Again before Christmas

I'm sure, you are telling me something.

I don't understand your words, but I understand what your eyes want to say.

We will soon find something great.

We are in the same passage of time.

Hug me when the right time come

Thing that I can do now

It is a thing no running away from these children.


It is a thing to send the deprived child one love.

Thing that I can do now

It is keep doing them.

I am cancer. However, I can do.

               by kayoko

Friday, December 11, 2009

I want to eat

The dance is practiced after a long time.

However, I am doing the meal limitation.

I want to eat.

I am like the small bird that waits for food now.

I want to be liberated from cancer early.

I want to run about the world.

I want to meet a lot of people.

Love and peace
by kayoko

Friday, December 4, 2009

Space consideration and fairy

癌の せいにしたくは ないんですけど
ボランティアの為の舞が 全く上手くいきませんでした。

子宮 卵巣全摘 両足股関のリンパ節切除 と 舞をするには

その上 首の骨のずれが見つかりました。

医者からは 舞は無理だと言われていますが 私の意識の一つ
今 止めるわけにはいきません。


私は 癌によって 私の全てが削除されていく恐怖に
得意な意識革命を 面倒な事に捉え 意識膨張を拒み始めました。


芝生の上に寝そべって空を ただ見つめるだけ

放心状態が 自然の中で 心地良さに 変わったのか
空から ふっと 目を地上に向けた瞬間 芝生の中の妖精に出会いました。

妖精達は 球体の飾り物をいっぱい付けていました。
それから 色々とその場所で起こりましたが 秘密です。

ただ 妖精達の舞の事は お話し出来ます。

妖精達の舞は 宇宙美 です。
それから 私の舞も 今 出来上がりつつあります。

そして 私の意識は 宇宙意識に変わっています。

私は 地球に命有る限り 私の宇宙意識を準備しながら 愛と平和を望みます。
                     By kayoko

Monday, November 30, 2009

It is volunteer's day

It is volunteer's day.

The apple was distributed to the driver today.

I know the child who lost parents due to the traffic accident.

I wanted you to feel big love from one apple.

It was a day of a very wonderful volunteer.

I pray for the traffic safety with the policeman

The companion is waiting for the car.

The apple is given.

Thank you the driver said.

I also try.

For children who lost parents in road accidents.

                by kayoko

Friday, November 27, 2009

Consideration of apple

I went to [kumamo] police station today.
It is for children who lost parents in road accidents
I discussed it so that the traffic accident might decrease even a little today.
And, it was permitted to me to participate in the event of Transport and Communications Division.
I distribute the apple to drivers while asking for the safe driving on November 30.
The article on the day is written, too.
I pray for the traffic accident decreases. .
Moreover, I wish to express my gratitude to the person who contributed the apple this time deeply.
       by kayoko

Sunday, November 22, 2009

You look up at the sky

The sky is on campus.

I always tell it to the volunteer companion.

Let's draw the mind of peace in the sky where it also connects even where.

And, the companion in the following country will draw the mind of peace again.
Moreover, the companion in the following country will also draw.

Will you also draw the mind of peace?

You look up at the sky.

Breathes deeply.


The mind of wonderful peace was drawn.

The mind will defend the earth.

by kayoko

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Until they knock

私は 今 25年間のボランティア精神を家族に注ぎ込んでいる。

初めての家族への ボランティアです。

地球のあらゆる生命体は 死を経験する。

私に それらがノックするその時まで 今 出来る事を 今 捉えて 生を感じていたい。


生きるプロとして〜〜私は トライし続けるであろう。

私は アナタの事なあにも 知らない


何故なら 長い 長い時間 手を取り合えなかったから 



でも 今 私は アナタの為に音を創ろう




     by kayoko

Monday, November 16, 2009

I don't wont say good by to my mama.

She is 88 years old.

Operation on inflammation of the gall bladder in September this year

And falls due to brain hemorrhage in November.

Consideration level decrease

I touched her head and face.

It is warm.
I sending her power from space for her.

I strongly grasped her left hand.
BUt she con't .

I sent the space power again.

She is my mother.

It is my mother.

I don't wont say good by to my mama.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Will you teach everybody

Where is the last paradise?
I want to hear me.
To a person all over the world
The standpoint doesn't relate.
I want to hear it quietly.
Though I have already answered and have it

Will you teach everybody.

地球最後の楽園は 何処だと皆様おもわれますか?




そっと 聞いてみたい


皆様 教えてくださいませんか?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

To children who suffer from hunger

I will bring up love until the day of Christmas.

Thing that I can do
I will call people for love&peace.

And, December.
I will become Santa.